We all have choices. We all have options. If we take a closer look at our lives, we’ll see that the opportunities we seek are often right in front of us. Stepping outside our comfort zone isn’t easy—it requires effort, brings stress, and often feels uncomfortable. But living the lifestyle we desire isn’t as difficult as we imagine. The key lies in defining what truly makes us happy.
Over the past 27 years in the construction industry, my definition of happiness has evolved numerous times. However, the most significant shift occurred on June 5, 2019. That day challenged everything I thought I knew about life. At the time, I believed I was in the best mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional shape of my life. But I was wrong.
On that day, I suffered a massive heart attack. Despite training daily, maintaining an active lifestyle, and assuming that burning countless calories justified my eating habits, I learned the hard way that I was not invincible. Lying in a hospital bed with a stent placed in my 100% clogged right artery, I gained a newfound appreciation for how fragile life truly is.
So, what does this have to do with “Being First”?
That moment forced me to reevaluate my priorities—not just personally but professionally. Construction is my life. People are my life. Relationships are my life. And without life, there is no business. That realization changed everything: the way I communicate, the relationships I nurture, the way I present myself, the risks I take, and, most importantly, the time I cherish with family and friends.
There are no guarantees in life. We often push our dreams and desires to “someday,” assuming we have time. But the truth is, waiting for tomorrow to live the life you want today is not an option. Sometimes, it takes a life-altering event to stop you in your tracks and make you realize that the path you’re on may not be the right one—or at the very least, not the most effective one.
Here’s what I’ve learned:
So, what does this have to do with "Being First"?
Be the first to introduce yourself. The first to ask questions. The first to say hello. The first to smile. The first to give instead of take. The first to offer a hand. The first to take a chance. The first to offer advice. The first to help others. The first to be honest. The first to be truthful.
Because when your time comes, you will leave this world knowing you did the right thing—you made a difference.
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